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Jill Doe, PhD, she/her/hers

Competency Level: Advanced
Member since 2018


Placeholder content includes that I am a board-certified Psychiatrist with a unique focus on Dream Interpretation and personal empowerment. Most of my clients are high-achieving professionals and creative individuals who are seeking help with feelings of depression, anxiety, or with feelings of being ‘stuck’ emotionally in patterns at work or in their personal lives. My pragmatic personal empowerment approach fosters resilience, adaptability and creativity in all areas of your life. Dreams can help you recognize unrealized potentials in yourself and can bring to your attention creative solutions to daily problems – they can also stimulate you towards emotional healing and growth. I integrate Dream Interpretation into my work with clients to direct rapid personal development and I also do individual Dream Consultations for those who are interested.



Couples / Family Therapy
Therapist / Counselor
Group Therapy / Support Group

Sub Specialties

Medication Management

Ages Served

Adults 18+

Practice Information

IMPORTANT COVID-19 Information: Placeholder content includes aut omnihilit lit pra dit molest, te etum ipsusdae commod quunt lacersp elestion ne occatquam quiati quiaecum latibusda doluptam, officiendel illandae voloribea quo expe pos evelignam laborpore omnihicae.

Location: 2001 Vail Ave, Charlotte, NC 28207

Phone: (704) 304-5000
Fax: (704) 222-2222

Financial Information

Services/Referral Process: Ut venda sanit intibus tiisit aut quame nis ute nonsend elessunt quae natum voluptates alit modigni as sinus, volorest voluptusdae 

Insurance Accepted: 